

What should I wear?

Most importantly, prioritize comfort. By design, forest bathing is a slow, easy practice that requires minimal effort. We won’t be working up a sweat; no brisk hiking or hills- just slow walking, or sitting. That means…

In the winter dress much warmer than you think you’ll need - lots of layers - hat, gloves, a scarf - wear it all! You want to be toasty warm and relaxed for two full hours.

In the summer wear a hat and bring a bottle of water. If you use an epi-pen, bring it and make your guide aware.

In the rain be sure to wear waterproof pants, shoes, coat, etc. There’s nothing more distracting than being wet when you don’t want to be.

Equally important - have an effective insect repellent strategy. Permethrin treated clothing is great in combination with an effective insect repellent. DEET, picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus are recommended. Insect repellent can be uncomfortable, but so is Lyme’s disease. For those who’ve experienced both, most prefer insect repellent.

What will we be doing?

Through a series of “invitations”, we’ll slow down, tune in and connect with the healing and restorative energy of the forest. To unlock the physical benefits all one really must do is relax and breathe in the aerosols that the trees emit and enjoy the view. But there are other benefits to be had; mental health benefits, personal growth benefits. The invitations are designed to help you connect to Mother Nature on a deeper level. It’s important to note that none of the invitations are mandatory. Each is free to participate or adjust the invitation for their own experience. Most report how surprised they are at how fast the time goes and how calm and centered they feel at the end. The motto is: The forest is the therapist, the guide just opens the door.

How old do I have to be to participate?

12 years or older to participate. Those under 18 years of age will require permission from a legal guardian.

How fit do I need to be?

Forest bathing is accessible to all fitness levels - with some caveats. Over the course of about two hours, we will meander less than 1/4 of a mile. One only needs to be able to walk or move very slowly along a mostly level forest trail. There will be opportunities to rest. However, if you feel sitting on the ground could be a problem for you, feel free to bring along a portable lightweight camping stool to carry as you walk. As stated above- prioritize comfort! Bring along anything that will make you more comfortable being outside for about 1.5 hrs, but doesn’t overly encumber you. For those who consider themselves “outdoor competent”, this experience will be - a walk in the park.

Will there be a bathroom nearby?

Walks are always located near restrooms when possible, but if not, it’s best to plan accordingly.

Can I bring my phone?

No. Phones, iPads, and other forms of technology engage the parts of our brain that forest bathing seeks to relax. For those who are technology addicted, just seeing a device can trigger thoughts about work or social media which take us out of the present moment and negate the benefits of the forest. If you must bring a device, out of respect for others please keep it silenced and out of sight.

What about cameras?

Nature photography can be very relaxing and creative however others may find it distracting. Please leave all cameras behind.

Can I bring my dog?

We love dogs, but not everyone does. Please leave your furry friend behind for this one.